Friday, 27 May 2011

3 Journals this year

Arch +
Link to arch+ in library

A German journal based on architecture from around the world. Found one article (couldn't read it though) that had a library/community space with really cool window panes that acted as colourful panelling on the outside of the building. I really liked how it added to the building exterior yet worked as the acutal windows letting natural light into the building.

Journal of Arch
Link to Journal of Arch in library

Found one paticular article in the journal that talked about 'bouyancy' and how it has influenced form in the physical world. One particular example of this is the extention to the College of Art, Toronto by the British Architect Will Alsop.

Acta acustica united with acustica
Link to Acustica in library

These journals basically talked about sound and acoustics in architecture. It gave diagrams and examples of sound within spaces and buildings