Saturday, 17 September 2011

Finished sectional model

 I have to say I am not completely happy with the finished model. We all have ideals as to how we want things to turn out but this time it hasn't gone the way that I want.
In hindsight an organic form probably wasn't the best driving idea to focus on when it came to laser cutting. Why not any other building?!
I now know how I should have done it.... cutting each layer becoming smaller and smaller as it moves up the model. I have seen my own dad creating boxes in organic shapes using laser cutting so I definitely should have taken what I learnt from that and applied it to this project.
I am however pleased with the process I went through to get to the buildings design. I am proud of my watercolours that I have done and also that nearly every other building in the laser cutting group was quite linear and box like whereas mine had the flow and organic-ness that others didn't have. One student came up to me during the crit and said that they liked mine purely because it was different to all the others and that it broke the mould when it came to the laser cutting 'shape' of buildings.

All in all I am happy in the fact that I have learnt  a lot from this project and I believe its not always the end product but the process that you go through to get there.... and that is what I am happy with.

1 comment:

  1. hey lauren i liked your project, if you can be bothered i posted my crit of it over herer:
